faculty of computers and information

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Hello and Welcome to faculty of computers and information , It`s one of the most excellent faculties in Minia University. The Dean of The faculty of computers and information is Prof Abdelmiged amin ali . It was built in 2003-02-22 .

Lets go to the Details of our Faculty:-

In2003presidential decree No47 was issue to establish the faculty of computers and information the faculty consists of three department computer science information system information technology and bioinformatics the fuculty also include spiecal unit programming and information technology unit And it enjoys with a special Location.

Vision of faculty of computers and information

According to the National Vision of Education and the Vision andMission of Minia University the Vision of Computers and Information faculty aims at developing and deepening the social awareness of the use of the Information Technology Systems in the various sectors in Minia community to get benefit from the specialized graduates of the Faculty

Message of faculty of computers and information

Developing and updating educational programs and academic courses for Computer and Information Sciences according to quality standards in line with the nationalcontinuous progress and to the needs of the labor market

Some Calculations for The Faculty:-

faculty of computers and information contains 1 buildings .
In the Main Building, there`s 5 floors,
9 lab and 11 stages in it.

The Restaurant place is There is no .

Contact with the Faculty:-

You can go to or you can visit its social media.
Or you can contact with the Faculty by its Email address fciminiaun@gmail.com
or by Phone number 01098293637

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